AI Generated Music
You hear a lot about music being created by Artificial
Intelligence these days. I recently posted an article about how they were going
to have an AI finish Beethoven’s Tenth Symphony. For those who don’t know, he
published nine symphonies and there are apparently notes for a tenth.
You have to wonder if people are really serious. I mean it’s
not like we don’t have enough artificial intelligence as it is.
I suppose artificially generated pop music is the music
business’ big dream. They can finally eliminate the middleman, the artist who
is just always getting between them and their product. Let’s face it; the
artist is just such a liability to the music business what with all the
neurosis, drugs and demanding to be paid all the time.
They’ve gone from signing new bands to creating acts, so
they may as well go the next step and eliminate the artist.
But let’s take a closer look here. What’s the difference
between artificial intelligence and the real organic stuff? The only difference
is that artificial intelligence needs programing to function.
But wait, isn’t that the problem with most intelligence on
the planet? It requires programing and has gotten programed, in fact. So the
intelligence that programs artificial intelligence has itself been programed.
Most of our art, news and culture is indeed the product of
artificial intelligence. It needs programing to function and has, indeed, been
There is apparently not much of the good old organic
self-programming intelligence around on this planet, which may explain a great
deal about it.
No wonder this idea of AI generated music has appeared and
no one questions it.
The question is; who are the original programmers? This
artificial intelligence has obviously been around for a long time, otherwise
people would be questioning it and, like they say, ‘garbage in, garbage out.’