Did you ever wonder what the world would be like if new
music didn’t exist? One thing you have to understand is that new music has a
long history. Let’s just go back to the Dark Ages, for example. This is not so
long ago, but it will do for the sake of our discussion. In the Dark Ages
everything was under the control of a family called ‘The Church.’ The top dogs
in The Church were the Popes and there were some really bad ones, like the
Borgias, for example. Back in this time, if you stepped out of line or were
suspected of saying anything out of line, you were quickly tried and executed
by being stoned or burned at the stake. Music was mainly done in the church and
consisted of monotone chanting of Latin biblical texts. There was no melody and
no rhythm except that it fit the syllables of the text. There were no musical
instruments allowed. This was because the Church was afraid that music with
melody and rhythm would just be too stimulating for the lambs in its care.
Over a very long period of time, certain people got the idea
that things were pretty suppressive and decided that something needed to be
done. They started printing books and teaching people to read and musicians
pushed to get music with melody and rhythm that was played on real instruments.
New music became a tool in educating people and lifting them out of the apathy
that they had been reduced to.
The way that the ruling class always maintains its place of
power is making people believe that they are somehow better; that they are gods
or have been chosen by god or they are just smarter, better people who know how
to run things. The message that new music has always brought, down through the
ages is; “Power to the people. Power to the people, right on!”
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