What Is Essential?
We hear a lot, these days, about what our future is going to be like and we’ve already been told what’s essential. Obviously what is essential is a bare-bones kind of survival and we accept this on account of the media’s unrelenting effort to keep us in fear.
Without debating whether or not this pandemic is real or staged or going in to ideas of what might be behind it all, I just want to point out how easily we came to accept that basic survival is essential and are now positioned to do whatever is demanded of us in the future.
We have been on this same downward spiral for some time, only now it has been greatly accelerated. Think about it, we have been given one single definition of essential that we are expected to go along with. What sort of frame of mind does this put us in? What’s the next thing we will be willing to do without?
Let’s talk about quality of existence. What is essential about existence, just hanging on in quiet desperation?
The media has always manipulated the middle-class mindset and now that’s happening at a frighteningly high level. It’s still your choice what to think about things and how you want your life to be.
You can still decide what’s essential to your existence. Aren’t basic human rights essential? Aren’t the better things in life essential? Isn’t love and human contact essential? Aren’t fresh air and sunshine essential and music and camping out under the stars?
This isn’t about taking foolish risks and ignoring facts but are we even getting the facts from our media? The only facts that are certain are that we are in the middle of a media created hysteria, we are retreating out of fear and preparing to continue in the same direction and we have allowed the situation to become so politically divisive that no intelligent discussion about it is any longer possible.
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