Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Brief History Of Rock 'n' Roll

The History Of Rock ‘N’ Roll

The Sword in the Stone

The Oxford School Dictionary defines Rock ‘n’ Roll as; “a kind of popular dance music with a strong beat, originating in the 1950s.” But let’s dig a little deeper, shall we?

This same dictionary gives two verbal definitions of rock; 1; “to move gently backwards and forwards or from side to side; to make something do this.” 2; “to shake someone or something violently.”

And, in the same book, the first verbal definition of roll; “to move along by turning over and over, like a ball or wheel; to make something do this.”

One could postulate, literally a large rock or boulder, embedded into the ground at the top of a hill and some force comes along to rock it, gently backwards and forwards or from side to side, until it becomes loose and moves along down the hill by turning over and over like a ball or wheel, perhaps dislodging other rocks in its path and causing an avalanche. Movement. Change in the environment.

We’re looking at a catalyst of some kind that causes formerly immovable objects to start to break loose and begin to move. 

One could postulate all sorts of immovable objects; immovable social objects such as wall flowers or hopeless introverts. There could be immovable ideas or attitudes.

Many of these did break free and begin to move in the brief history of what we called Rock ‘n’ Roll. Questions were asked, ideas were challenged. The status quo was questioned.

Perhaps this is why Rock ‘n’ Roll will never die; because we are talking about a social catalyst, rather than a specific person or musical group. These actors upon the stage were caught up in the movement themselves.

When did this movement begin? Oh, much earlier than the 1950s. And it begins anew whenever and wherever Excalibur is pulled from the stone.

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